I was looking for a nice fully loaded mobile to buy and I
ended up with a new tab instead of a phone. The main reason I went for a tab
was Mobile Media Management. It had really cool media oriented applications
that were better than the ones in phones. That’s what I was told. Anyway I
liked the bigger screen and the faster responses. It even allows me to watch
television programs on the go. It also has cool management features for my
music as I am a big fan of music. The Mobile Media Management of today offers features like primetime programming,
live television, radio and satellite services that are compatible with almost
all of the recently used technologies like Java, Android etc.
Also one of the main reasons mobile media is sought after is
the fact that it offers high quality media content to the end users, be it, on
a hand held device to internet TV or a set top box at home at a considerably
cheaper price than its conventional counterpart. Even my new 46” TV has
internet TV capabilities which I look forward to in the near future. Today’s
constantly evolving world of media has a lot in store for us, so always think